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Partner Programs

Incentives, Bursaries and Grants

Saskatchewan offers various incentives, bursaries and grants to support residents, newly practicing physicians and those who continue to practice in the province. For additional information on these programs visit the link provided. Note that program details may change.

Saskatchewan Electives Support Program

The Saskatchewan Electives Support Program is offered by saskdocs in partnership with the Saskatchewan Medical Association, and is available to offset travel and accommodation expenses for residents pursuing electives in eligible communities throughout Saskatchewan.

Graduate Retention Program

Offers rebates of up to $20,000 of tuition fees paid by eligible graduates who live in Saskatchewan and file a Saskatchewan tax return.

Canadian Student Loan Forgiveness for Family Doctors

Medical residents and physicians practicing in designated rural or remote communities may receive forgiveness on their Canadian student loan balances up to $40,000 over a maximum of five years.

SMA Specialist Recruitment Incentive

This program provides a grant of $30,000 to recognize the commitments of royal college specialists who establish practice in Saskatchewan and remain in a community for a minimum of 36 months.

SMA Family Medicine Resident Bursary

The family medicine resident bursary program provides bursaries of $25,000/year for up to three years for family medicine residents who agree to provide service to rural, regional, or northern Saskatchewan communities.

Continuing Medical Education Fund

The Continuing Medical Education (CME) Fund assists physicians with the costs associated with continuing medical education. Expenses for educational courses, meetings or materials may be eligible for reimbursement under the fund.

Parental Leave Program

The Parental Leave Program is available to licensed physicians living and working in a self-employed practice in Saskatchewan. The program provides up to 20 weeks of benefits to a physician who is taking a maternity, paternity or adoption child care leave from clinical practice.

Retention Fund

The SMA and Government of Saskatchewan’s Retention Fund provides financial rewards to physicians who practice in the province for extended periods.

CMPA Reimbursement Fund

The CMPA Reimbursement Fund reimburses physicians the fees associated with medical liability malpractice insurance premiums. Eligible physicians must be self-employed, meet certain thresholds of activity and not receive benefits from any third party or employer.